Underachievement Unlocked

31 dec. 2005

Le temps qui reste (2005)  

Romain, a gay fashion photographer, a bit of a jerk and an asshole because he’s a gay fashion photographer, is going to die of cancer in three months. So he lashes out at everyone, gets hard, cries and vomits in front of the camera, because that’s what’s important when you film a man dying.

The scene between Melvil Poupaud and Jeanne Moreau that’s used as a base for the whole movie promo is the complete opposite of what Ozon’s cinema is: the characters exist (roughly) and the dialogue is real (roughly). The rest of the movie, starting with the scene where the main character finds out he’s going to die and doesn’t skip a beat or bat an eyelash, is however what you’d expect from Ozon: completely devoid of psychology, humanity, reality.

No need to go to the theater or rent the DVD; you’ll only have to wait for the interesting screen captures to end up on the web.

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