Underachievement Unlocked

16 dec. 2005

Kirikou et les bêtes sauvages  

I figured from the very first minute that we’d be disappointed: the storyteller explains that it’s not a new story, but merely anecdotes that they “didn’t have time” to tell in the previous movie. Which means the whole action takes place between the beginning and the end of the first movie (though I’m pretty sure it’s incompatible with the timeline, what with watching crops grow and all), and there’s absolutely zero involvement since you know how it ends and there isn’t a single addition to the story itself.

Not only is it painful to hear some characters speak with different voices (including Kirikou, which I suppose could hardly be avoided), but the script emphasizes on the most irritating aspects of the previous movie (the endless cycle, Kirikou saves the world, everybody celebrates him, a new problem appear and everyone ignores him; and the naive morals) and doesn’t summon back what made it bearable to a more mature audience (the discovery of a new universe and style, of course, and the witch — she only gets a couple minutes of screen time now, and she doesn’t do anything).

Only adequate for kids who loved the first one.

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Daria, 7 years ago:

C'est là que ça sert d'être une maniaque parano et de se renseigner un peu sur les films avant d'aller les voir. Comme ça je savais que Kirikou II était un "film à sketches" sans rien de neuf.

Xarro, 7 years ago:

Kiriquoi ?

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