Underachievement Unlocked

18 oct. 2005

Alias 4.21–4.22  

Damn, it’s gonna be hard criticizing this episode when they accomplished the unthinkable: the cliffhanger managed to surprise and bluff me. Not, not the last scene, not the speech, not the revelation — just the very last image. So, let’s get it out of the way: great idea, well done. The rest, the whole rest? Jesus, what a sorry mess.


They’re not gonna dare plagiarize Resident Evil, they can’t… nah… no, they won’t… oh, they did. Including the underground train. And the teammate left for dead. The only thing I can say about this monument in pathetism is that I dare hope that was not the prophetized fight between… oh, wait, it can’t be, since she’s still alive. Guess they’re still saving that one for later; guess there’s still some Rambaldi ahead, then (and thank God for that, because that’s the one last thing in here that’s still a bit of fun).

Even Lena Olin couldn’t save that last episode, despite all she did for the previous one. I hope she demanded a fortune for this (final? probably, I’m afraid) appearance, for bringing to an undeserving show some scenes like the one when she recognizes Nadia. (Unlike an Angela Bassett who must be in it just for the money, considering how incredibly dull and boring she is since she joined the cast.)

So, Vaughn, not-Vaughn, good guy, bad buy, Alliance or Covenant mole in the CIA, I don’t give a shit. It’s only the idea of interrupting his confession with a Jeep Cherokee that managed to surprise me, and that’s already a lot.


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NeimaD., 7 years ago:

C'est marrant moi c'est Rambaldi qui me broute totalement dans cette série, le reste je l'ai trouvé distrayant, le fait qu'ils ayent aussi loin, qu'ils rentrent totalement dans la fiction pure et le nawak, comme Lost (pour d'autres raisons et beaucoup moins) je trouve ça efficace (dans cette saison, la 3 était vraiment pitoyable). On a décidément pas les même goûts, Nip/Tuck est un condencé de clichés provoques empilés n'importe comment, Desperate Housewives un soap rose bonbon républicain et niai, et Babylon 5 est juste totalement navrant et pathétique ... :)

Paumé, 7 years ago:

Ca mérite même pas une note de 2/5

garoo, 7 years ago:

NeimaD : C'est clair, on n'a pas les mêmes goûts :)

Paumé : Si, parce qu'il y avait **** **** et pour le cliffhanger :)

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