Underachievement Unlocked

12 sep. 2005

Garoo Farewell Tour 2005 — Update #1

Attention, attention, change of plans! If you’d booked seats for the first Paris week of the Garoo Farewell Tour, the even has been postponed to the next week. Garoo is currently going back to his roots in Smallville (read: he’s been there for ninety minutes now and wants to run and run away, despite the shiny iMac 20” smiling to him) and will get back to Paris next week-end, for two final weeks of entertainment.

But then, it’s not like we sold too many tickets already, so it won’t change many people’s plans. Keep it going that way and the staff will just cancel the whole tour. (Well, no, they can’t, because I left half my luggage in Paris to make sure I couldn’t chicken out of going back.)

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Xarro, 7 years ago:

C'est moi qui ne suis pas attentif ou Cher n'était pas là avant ? :)

garoo, 7 years ago:

Cher ?

Phil-Tof, 7 years ago:

son secret a elle c'est que le temps n'a pas de prise sur elle...
hein ? quoi ? un rapport avec le resourcing à paris, mais non, mais non !

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