Underachievement Unlocked

2 aug. 2005

I received an email yesterday from a communication agency (well written, well personalized, no problem at all with the contents) offering me to be among the select few blogs to publish viral marketing videos, starting with a shoe brand (since the message was nice and polite, I might as well protect their identity). Oddly, they totally ignore the hint in my reply: “true, if I announced that […] offered me shoes so I blogged about them, it’s certainly generate some buzz.” Yet I refrained from being too subtle, didn’t I?

I guess they got the target wrong (well, actually, that’s for sure — who’d respond to a sneaker ad on, because I’m a little bit past being so flattered to be contacted, or so happy to be the first to publish a new video, that I’d be giving them advertising space for free. This is not a Skyblog.

What would it have cost them? Thirty euros? And I just happen to need a new pair of shoes, my Reeboks died two weeks ago.

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Phil-Tof, 7 years ago:

bon et pour la nouvelle souris Apple... t'en penses quoi ?
Apple garde le bouton unique tout en en ayant 4... c'est pas fortiche ça ?

Webast, 7 years ago:

Tes Reebok ont rendu l'ame... Ne serait ce pas eux justement qui t'aurais contactés ? :D

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