Underachievement Unlocked

21 jul. 2005

You know, those pictures of New York kids playing in the water sprayed by a fire hydrant on a hot summer afternoon? I’d always wondered how it could be so common, and why you never saw, on the following shot, a bunch of kids lying on the ground, clubbed to near-death by the NYPD.

Turns out there’s a very simple reason for that, one I find it almost unconceivable, seen from across the ocean: just ask the local fire departement, and they’ll provide you with all the equipment needed to convert the neighborhood’s fire hydrant into a big sprinkler.

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Xarro, 7 years ago:

Pff... pourquoi on ne fait pas ça en Belgique... arf, mais au fait, est-ce qu'on a des bornes d'incendie en Belgique ?

Faut que je trouve un pompier pour lui demander...

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