Underachievement Unlocked

19 jul. 2005

If over six months (or something — not good with dates, as I’ve said time and again) my hair has only gained a couple of inches, do you think that means I should give up on the idea of letting them grow? The way it’s going, I don’t think it’ll ever look good… even when they get longer, they stay flat and thin*, and you can still see my skin through the hair (no, I’m not particularly losing hair; it’s just very, very thin).

Do I cut it tomorrow, and search the web for rasta — but grey — caps? (That’d look good on me: my face needs something going up, but not on the sides. I always thought those foam top-hats they sell for Bastille Day and soccer championships would be great, but you can’t quite wear them every day.)

* : Oh, and I also spend my time tearing strands off, every time I wash or do my hair.

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Michael, 7 years ago:

mais non...
tente le crâne rasé...

garoo, 7 years ago:

J'ai déjà essayé, et je suis pas près de le refaire.

mp*, 7 years ago:

Ouah, que c'est joli. On dirait le detail d'un tableau de maître !

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