Underachievement Unlocked

23 jun. 2005

State of the Desktop

I was going to make a long, detailed post with illustrations and all… and realized it would actually be a duplicate of the wiki’s contents. So instead I updated the Dalloway page’s list of all programs, accessories, widgets I use, and some details about them.

Why should you care? Because I spend all my time on the net, try every interesting program and accessory that’s been released, subscribe to any RSS feeds that can update me on whatever comes out — in short, slackers like me have a use for overbooked workers like you: sifting through a sea of software and returning with what’s really worthy.

And, as rarely happens when I start writing a blog post, I personally know of a couple readers who’ll actually be interested in this.

What you’ll see on the screenshot above (reduced by 75%, because, well, you know, it better be):

  • in the dock’s applications section, left to right: Finder, BlogThumb (personal AppleScript that captures and uploads thumbnails for my blog), X Resource Graph, Safari, NetNewsWire, Thunderbird, Adium X, Mail, iCal, Address Book, TextWrangler, VoodooPad Lite, CocoThumbX, MacJanitor, iTunes, hotTunes, Clutter, Grab (don’t ask me where some of the icons come from, I downloaded every possible icon set on the web)

  • in the dock’s shortcuts section, left to right: a temporary shortcut to a game I have to try, the ~garoo folder, the ~/Documents folder, a pictures folder, the ~/Library folder, the Dashboard widgets folder, a Saved Searches folder (with elementary Spotlight smart folders: Label Blue, Label Red, Label Yellow, Modified This Week), the /Applications folder, the trash

  • in the menubar, left to right: Adium, iSnip, QuickSilver, the AppleScript menu (which I don’t ever use), the Keychain Access menu (for the Lock Screen option), the fast user switching menu, the menu control, MenuCalendarClock, Spotlight

  • on the desktop, the X Resource Graph window and the Clutter shortcuts

Links, details, and everything you can’t see on the capture (plug-ins, extensions, widgets), in the (almost) complete list of software I use on Dalloway.

Want to know when I post new content to my blog? It's a simple as registering for free to an RSS aggregator (Feedly, NewsBlur, Inoreader, …) and adding to your feeds (or if you want to subscribe to all my topics). We don't need newsletters, and we don't need Twitter; RSS still exists.

Michael, 7 years ago:

Unison pour usenet est plus joli.

garoo, 7 years ago:

Oui, je trouve aussi, mais Thunderbird est gratuit.

Par contre, ça m'énerve de ne pas trouver de newsreader qui highlighte automatiquement les réponses aux messages qu'on a postés, comme Xnews (le malnommé, pour Windows).

david, 7 years ago:

Moi je suis amoureux de l'image d'arrière plan... (ouioui, je sais, c'est pas le plus important, mais quand même)

Lecapitan, 7 years ago:

Jean-Michel Jarre rules ! :) Je ne suis donc pas le dernier à écouter quelques albums de cet homme ?

freaky, 7 years ago:

Ouh la la merci Groogroo pour Clutter, j'adore !

freaky, 7 years ago:

Ooooh Groogroo merci encore, CocoThumbX c'est vraiment ce qui manquait, marre de rechercher 3 heures une image.

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