Underachievement Unlocked

3 may 2005

Gayattitude 3.0

It took me a while, oh yeah did it take me a while — about a year and a half rewriting all the scripts. Not because it takes a year and a half, but for lack of motivation and, more importantly, because I couldn’t find anything satisfactory for the new interface — tired of frames, but nothing better at hand. And then Google arrived, and Ajax became the latest fashion (I hated the idea of imposing a cutesy nametag on a technology already known as XMLHttpRequest, but I have to admit that, when it comes to taking notes on paper, “use Ajax for the crossids” is more pleasant to write) and… here comes the future, a revolutionary interface, Javascript pioneers, too classy, I love myself and I love HTML when it works.

Nevertheless, now that I know how Ajax works and what it really does, I can’t help but laugh at how fashionable it has become. For years they’ve been repeating that frames are evil and… now everybody’s enthusiastic about what is nothing more than a Javascript-driven iframe system. Doubly evil. Mwah.

Oh, and while we’re on the fashion subject: I was dead set on making the new site with as few tables as possible (the only layout table was to be on the blogs, for compatibility reasons, because users are accustomed to uploading huge images that layout blocks have to adjust to) and I had to move back and add a bunch of them because Explorer was screwing up completely. I even tried adding a doctype (HTML 4 transitional, though) in case it’d work better.

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John, 7 years ago:

Merci de ton travail.

Katioucha, 7 years ago:

Ça change et en mieux. Et cet affreux logo géant et hyper discret a enfin disparu !
C'est plus joli, plus clair, et ça a le mérite d'approter un peu plus de fraicheur.

A. L., 7 years ago:

Et t'as pas encore découvert rubyonrails et son super Ajax qui tue (que je m'en suis jamais servi (de son Ajax)).

Chapichapo, 7 years ago:

merci :)

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