Underachievement Unlocked

12 apr. 2005

Embedding Images: “Did you know you could embed any mime data in an HTML page? […] It means you can place an image inline in a page.

For a while now I had thought it should exist, you should be able to embed images the same way you do in Flash, and it’d be ideal for pages with lots of small images (such as the thumbnails on my blog or the gayattitude directory), rather than have dozens of HTTP calls. Well, it does exist.

But then, of course: “It does only work in Firefox, Safari, Opera. Not IE.

P.S. Oh, right, now I remember why I thought it’d be fantastic to be able to embed the image right into the HTML code: so I could put the thumbnails (for the blog or gayattitude) in the MySQL database! One simple SQL query and you got everything, text and images, no need for any additional system access.

I have half a mind to implement it for the blog’s thumbnails. After all, I don’t care too much that it wouldn’t work with Explorer: they’re only decorative.

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