Underachievement Unlocked

4 mar. 2005

Right now I’m in one of those periods when I’m very hardly confident in my future as a successful writer, or even a self-supporting one, especially in the short or medium term. And, at the same time, my account balance is so vertiginously flirting with zero despite the euros I get from my mother by the hundreds, that I find myself remembering how quickly money can fly by.

So maybe I’ll just be super reasonable (well, as much as I can be, at least), save as much money as I can, and just be content with an iMac mini and a 17-inch LCD. Not only do I not really need a G5, I don’t need a high-end 20-incher that much, either, for what I’ll be doing with the Mac.

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Fzael, 7 years ago:

L'âge de la sagesse arrive à grand pas, cédric ;)
Suis fier de toi héhé

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