Underachievement Unlocked

3 feb. 2005

Kill Bill, volume 2

I wanted to check my review of volume 1 for reference, but it seems I never got to write it, so I’ll do it for memory: the second volume seems more uneven to me than the first.

Even though I’m not very receptive to Tarantino, I had been bluffed by the mastery of his directing, as well as by the little bursts of scenario that managed to grow in the midst of all the gore; this one I found a bit too messy, and almost phoned-in at times. Several excellent scenes, with weak transitions and even occasionally editing.

Oh, but it has to be me, it’s certainly an intentional choice that I don’t quite get (just like I don’t generally get Tarantino). Still, I’m leaving the movie far less impressed and excited than after I saw the first part.

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le roncier, 7 years ago:

Tout pareil, mais on s'habitue à tout, alors le deuxième est toujours plus attendu ;) J'avais été scié par la qualité du montage et de la photo, moins dans le deuxième. Seul problème à mon avis, le cascadeur avec une perruque blonde qui double Miss anorexie...

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