Underachievement Unlocked

1 feb. 2005

Joss Whedon, Fray TPB

Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. The ending happens a bit too quickly, but it’s certainly inherent to the medium: you have to fit the whole resolution in one twenty-page-ish issue, because you can’t really expect to sell a ninth comic after the apocalypse just for the fun of exploring the characters’ psychology a bit further. But apart from that it’s all perfect: the characters, the dialogues (obviously), the story (although the twists also happen a bit soon, still because of the medium — and also because it isn’t designed to be read all eight episodes at a time)… and, if that wasn’t enough, the illustrations are absolutely splendid. It’s just too short.

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Adam, 7 years ago:

C'est introuvable sur amazon. Par quel biais te les ais-tu procurés ?

garoo, 7 years ago:

Sur Amazon :) http:///

Cre, 7 years ago:

Hé hé, c'est parce que c'est moi qui ai commandé le dernier exemplaire la semaine dernière. Je vais le chercher aujourd'hui (joie, bonheur).
Très chouette blog (même si tu n'aimes pas Neil Gaiman)

Adam, 7 years ago:

Merci pour le lien.

Daria, 7 years ago:

Ben tu vois, y'a des gens qui ont commenté ;)

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