Underachievement Unlocked

3 jan. 2005

Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman, page 85: pff, that thing is just as original and surprising as a Hallmark TV movie@.

Not to mention that after American Gods and Neuromancer I’m more than a little fed up with having to follow the footsteps of yet another dumbass who passively lets himself be manipulated by fate, winds, parallel dimensions and every other thing.

No, seriously, what is it about Neil Gaiman?

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ultra, 7 years ago:

Neil est un homme heureux.

Rhô, 7 years ago:

Du talent
(le truc que tu cherches)

Daria, 7 years ago:

Au moins, Neuromancer n'est pas de lui.

garoo, 7 years ago:

(Rha, Opera recommence à marquer mes notifications comme du spam, alors que j'ai désactivé le filtre anti-spam.)

Non, mais il a mentionné Neuromancer dans un post récent de son blog, donc il ne peut pas plaider l'ignorance, ni la coïncidence :)

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