Underachievement Unlocked

13 oct. 2004

Guys in porn movies (gay porn, don’t know about the rest) can’t kiss. It’s horrible, digusting, and even manages to make me glad I’m clear from boy mouths these days. In my long career I stumbled upon a few boys would thought their tongue was a joystick in a boxing game, but I had to subscribe to the satellite network’s porn channel to figure out where that come from.

I know they’re not selected for their ability to french kiss with feeling, but there are limits to what you can accept. Especially considering they’re supposedly selected for their ability to fuck, and they don’t always seem so good at it either.

Seriously, who directs this crap? Straight men? Can’t wait to have a DV camera enough money to pay actors.

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Xarro, 7 years ago:

eh... il faut aussi des acteurs, non, pour pouvoir trouver des acteurs ? ça doit pas se trouver sous le sabot d'un cheval...

garoo, 7 years ago:

Y'a que ça sur DialH :)

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