Underachievement Unlocked

29 aug. 2004

I’d like to fart. Do you fart? Because I don’t, even when I sleep. I know, because I often wake up so full of gas I’m about to explode, and even priapic sometimes. Yet I know it wasn’t always like that, not when I was a kid. Have I become too good-mannered, growing older? (And then some say sodomy causes loosenings around there.)

Oh. Yeah. I figured, if I want people to pay for ads here, I have to start writing about personal stuff again. So there you are. Happy, uh?

No, actually, I do feel like writing about stuff again. The pre- and post-moving depression period might be over.

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Phil-Tof, 7 years ago:

Youpi !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nous aimons le Garoo en forme !

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