Underachievement Unlocked

28 aug. 2004

The naiveness of mentally retarded country people is touching. It’s Saturday and, like every Saturday since we moved into Smallville, this is already the third wedding, third band of cars honking to celebrate. It’s so touching to see those simple, innocent people still believe, in 2004, that a straight wedding is an important event that should be celebrated and even justifies breaking the driving laws.

No kidding. Three weddings a week for a month. Where do they find so many people in such a lost and dead place? Or maybe anyone who gets married in a 100km radius tours the whole département, honking. For the fun of it. Gotta have fun when you can.

Ten minutes later, another caravan. Is it a fourth wedding, or si Smallville so tentacular that they managed to lose their lead?

P.S. They must have all booked up the last Sunday of August. I lost count, but it must be about ten weddings.

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Michael, 7 years ago:

dans ce post le mot "hétéro" est en trop pour au moins 2 raisons.

Xarro, 7 years ago:

il faut interdire le mariage civil, voilà tout

ptitoulousain, 7 years ago:

Dans ce post, c'est la rature qui me gêne ou plutôt ce qu'il y a dessous

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