Underachievement Unlocked

18 aug. 2004

The Rules of Attraction

Not much to write home about, except for two nice suicide scenes (in different manners) and the inexplicable and disturbing evidence that, like Michael T. Weiss in Jeffrey, Ian Somerhalder is much, much more attractive when he’s playing a gay boy.

Maybe because a straight man with his blue eyes, big black eyebrows and permanent blush tattoo on his cheeks could only be an asshole, whereas as a homo he’s just a fag among others.

Anyhow, depite the lack of interest of a movie that just lines up scenes of drinking, fucking and committing suicide so that young, decadent Americans could identify with the characters, it still makes you want to spend a year on a U.S. campus (though I doubt it’s always so much fun — they only show the best clips).


Wouldn’t I have become… like that?

Not necessarily a vampire like Dawson says, but… a predator?

Yeah, a vampire, that is.

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Arnaud, 7 years ago:

La voracité ca se mérite.

NeimaD., 7 years ago:

le bouquin est trés bon, le film une vrai merde. vive bret easton ellis !

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