Underachievement Unlocked

4 aug. 2004

MI-5 (Spooks) 2.05–2.06

What could you imagine worse than a show having an excellent first season, and a second so bad there’s an episode where a fifteen-year-old kid almost defeats the whole secret services? Well, I don’t know if it’s imaginable, but it’s real: a show having in its second season two episodes where a teenage computer genius (a different one each time — the second being black with dreadlocks so as to show that the gifted don’t have to be aryan) manages to screw with MI-5. Has the show been taken over by Disney Channel or what?

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KiKi, 7 years ago:

J'allais te dire que j'avais un sentiment de déjà vu (et que j'espérais que ce n'était pas à cause de l'alcôôôl), mais c'est effectivement la deuxième fois que tu le dis.

Désolé que Spooks ne soit pas à la hauteur de tes attentes. Au risque de me répéter, West Wing ne m'a jamais déçu...

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