Underachievement Unlocked

16 jul. 2004

How come didn’t I think of it before? The gayattitude redesign is taking a bit long, and one of the main problems I’m going to have with it is the risk of incompatibility between my DHTML and some browsers. So why wouldn’t I test my scritps on my blog?

So, from now on, the home page uses a script to display comments in a frame. (Yeah, I was already clinging to tables, now I add an iframe to the mix!) It works with Firefox 0.9 and Explorer 6 (thanks to the IE7 extensions) ; Opera just plain ignores the script (I’ll have to check out why). I count on you to let me know how it works with other browsers (particularly Safari).

Permalinks have disappeared in the process, since they were behind the comments link. I’m planning to redesign very soon (like, possibly before the end of the day), so I guess it can wait.

Oh, I forgot: when in doubt, Shift-Reload.

P.S. In IE, it only works if you access the site on, and not (IE won’t load the .htc file if it isn’t on the same server, and my base href points to Since I’m philosophically opposed to removing www from URLs, I don’t mind.

P.S. IE7 removed, it somehow broke the new home page’s stylesheet. I don’t feel like keeping this huge thing around only for the position: fixed.

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L. R., 7 years ago:

Ca marche bien sous Safari. J'ai juste l'impression que ce soit un peu gourmand en ressources, c'est plus "lourd" à naviguer (entendre, ça saccade par moments quand on défile), mais le layout donne bien.

K.I.T.T., 7 years ago:

ca marche parfaitment sous fiefox 0.8

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