Underachievement Unlocked

5 may 2004 — version 1865.0

The return of grey and pink. The return of my face, too. For a while I’d been meaning to try and put a pseudo-vectorized picture as a header (actually, since I read a bunch of old Computer Arts that are full of vector images); now it’s done, the result isn’t so great, and I’ll change it again soon. But, at least, it’s grey and pink, it’s garoo, so all I’ll have to do is change the top image when I’m tired of it. (Which means, soon. Like, maybe even tonight.)

Oh, yeah, I suppose it’s the opportunity to mention the reappearance of RSS on my site. But with a Garoo twist. Subscribe and you’ll see. For a while, too, I’d been thinking of putting RSS back (because I have to confess it’s quite convenient to be notified when there’s new contents on a blog, even though I personally still can’t find an aggregator I really like — I’m trying the RSSNews Miranda plugin again since yesterday) without putting contents in it (as I already explained here in length). I know RSS fanatics will scream (funny that they tend to be the same people as valid HTML fanatics), but hey, it’s that or nothing, since I already explained there’s no way I’ll let you read my text away from my site. Besides, my RSS is valid, which is already a lot. Only the minilog text entries will be copied to the RSS, because they don’t require elaborate formatting and they’re usually just links (unless, of course, you have subscribed to a plain-text feed, which won’t include the link).

As for notifying comments in the posts, I don’t know yet if that’ll stay — I guess it depends on the number of complaints. Right now, I’m bored, I don’t post much, so I feel like letting the site live its own life and I tend to emphasize a bit on comments. It’ll pass. If your aggregator is good-mannered, it should make a difference between new posts and updated posts (i.e., newly commented ones), so it shouldn’t be so much of a nuisance. If it is, let me know.

P.S. Well, in the end, I’m getting used to the image. While I’m here, if you see this text as being in black over white, I’ll have you know that the background is actually light grey, and the dates and permalinks are in white. If you don’t see them, then your screen isn’t properly calibrated, or… you have an LCD monitor. I’ll have to investigate that a bit, to see if configuring the screen better can solve it, or if this layout if just plain incompatible with LCD screens.

In which case it would be their loss, since I’m still using CRTs so, basically, I don’t really care.

Want to know when I post new content to my blog? It's a simple as registering for free to an RSS aggregator (Feedly, NewsBlur, Inoreader, …) and adding to your feeds (or if you want to subscribe to all my topics). We don't need newsletters, and we don't need Twitter; RSS still exists.

K.I.T.T., 8 years ago:

j'aime bien cette version, j'espère qu'elle va rester longtemps

Cecil B2000, 8 years ago:

OUAIS !!!!

Garfieldd, 8 years ago:

clââââââââââsse :)

A. L., 8 years ago:

Moi je fais savoir !

stephane, 8 years ago:

je lis le garoonet sur un 22' et je dois dire que j'aime bien cette sobre mise en page: ya du talent là-dedans!

david, 8 years ago:

waah... refaire le layout plein de fois par jour... ça faisait tellement longtemps... faudrait peut être que tu ailles faire les courses toi même pour t'occuper non? ;)

Katioucha, 8 years ago:

Enfin le retour de la sobriété ! Mais pourquoi t'as viré le personnage lego webmestre, il était incompétant ?

Matoo, 8 years ago:

J'aime bien moi aussi. Fo dire j'aime bien gayattitude aussi alors je ne suis peut-être pas la bonne référence ! :))))

Seb, 8 years ago:

Très joli layout en effet. Quel talent! ;)

skamp, 8 years ago:

1) J'aime bien le nouveau layout !
2) Le gris clair se démarque bien du blanc sur mon écran LCD http://
3) Le feed RSS texte seul est invalide (charge-le sous Mozilla ou Firefox)

Cecil B2000, 8 years ago:

Ah ça le Groogroo il soigne beaucoup plus la gueule de son blog que de GA ;-) mais bon ça se comprend...

KiKi, 8 years ago:

Ouf, enfin un nouveau layout, avec tout plein de gris et noir (avec un piti peu de mauve a la place du rose). Enfin les choses reviennent a la normale...

Qiv, 8 years ago:

Le but d'un fil RSS est surtout d'avertir de la parution d'un nouvel article, pour ne se rendre sur le blog ou le site en question que si nécessaire. Pas de lire l'article en entier dans l'agrégateur.

Il existe http:// et http:// pour avoir son agrégateur sur le web et y accéder de partout. :)

garoo, 8 years ago:

Skamp : merci, c'est corrigé. Pff, ce que la validation du XML peut me faire chier...

aqb, 7 years ago:

Très chouette (comme toujours). Dommage que le minois ne soit pas destiné à demeurer. ;)

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