Underachievement Unlocked

19 apr. 2004

Save me from the countryside! Right now I’m checking out everything I can access with WAP so that I can survive the day I’ll have to spend in the middle of the countryside tomorrow.

I found an MSN Messenger client, but it doesn’t seem to warn of new messages: you have to click a name in the contact list in order to display the history, which means you can’t read messages from people who aren’t in your list. (But is that an advantage or a drawback?)

Since I also have a mail client (that allows me to read messages, but not really send any), it means that those of you who’d want to save me from boredom tomorrow, between rougly 9am and 9pm, can send me e-mail to wap(thingy), including their MSN address. Then they may receive, someday, an MSN message from garoowap(thingy) Or maybe not. I know you like the way I handle interpersonal relationships.

No MMS-powered photolog, though: seems like my phone isn’t properly configured, and I couldn’t retrieve my telco’s welcome message. I still have the blog’s WAP interface so that I can update you about my day, but… I don’t think I’ll have much to tell. Or maybe I will and my blog will finally look like an SMS-powered blog, with those countless, useless, spelling-impaired short messages. Decidedly, I can’t wait to be tomorrow. Night.

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Michael, 8 years ago:

moi j'ai un trillian like sur mon téléphone qui se connecte à tout....
et sinon un client POP qui marche et puis le Web mais bon... :)

pierro, 8 years ago:

Pour essayer de mobloger gratos par mms en utilisant ta connexion wap illimitée regarde du coté de http://

(l'apn wap chez sfr est wapsfr)

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