Underachievement Unlocked

9 apr. 2004

Does it make any sense to buy a 200€ camera phone, considering I can have a Palm or Clié with camera, wifi, web browser and much more stuff for just three hundred more francs1?

Does it make any sense to buy a PDA, considering I spend a lot of time in public transportation and I’ll never dare take it out in the bus when I’ve got notes to take — and, if I do take it out, I risk not seeing it ever again?

Does it make any sense to buy either, considering that, three months from now (damn, three months!!2), either I’ll be exiled in Normandy and I won’t have any use for it, or I’ll be largely able to afford better?

Argh. I’d better wait until I just forget about it. But I’ve always dreamed of having a vibrator (mmh) and a portable Internet access.

1: Oops, got the wrong units again. This afternoon, it’s only after I paid that I realized 7.50€ for crappy rice and crappy steam raviolis was a lot.

2: Did you notice how I was meaning to write three exclamation points but couldn’t, because it’s evil?

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KiKi, 8 years ago:

1ère question: non.
2ème question: ça fait 4 ans que je me ballade dans le métro avec mon palm et que je fais mumuse à Sim-City et personne n'a jamais cherché à me le piquer (et pourtant j'ai un physique de tite crevette grise, très peu dissuasif).
3ème question: oh putain de chiottes de leur mère flûte! d'ici une semaine je dois m'exiler en Normandie aussi !!! (oh trois points d'exclamation, c'est mal)

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