Underachievement Unlocked

2 apr. 2004

I’m jealous. Dead jealous. Look here. The column on the right. Jealous I am.

I’ve never been much for fan-arts and always thought it was a bit silly and not quite useful. But I’m still jealous. So I was thinking that if ever, by chance, people sent me some fan-art, I would create a category in my sideblog and publish them along the blog. Voilà. Just saying. In case.

(Rules: a body part of your choosing with “garoo” written on it, for real. The second fan-art on the page I linked above hence does not qualify, as nice as it is.)

Well, I was just thinking aloud here, you know, not meaning to say anything.

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B2000, 8 years ago:

Ouais j'peux r'faire la même avec marqué Garoo, suis pas fou c'est pas indélibile, Nothing sera pas toujours dans mon coeur...

Nothing, 8 years ago:

toutes les mêmes...

garoo, 8 years ago:

Ch'peux, ch'peux, dire "ch'peux" c'est facile :)

B2000, 8 years ago:

ah oui mais attention ça se mérite. Nothing m'a harcelé 40 jours et 40 nuits.

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