Underachievement Unlocked

20 mar. 2004

Since medicines aren’t allowed to advertise in France, someone has to do it for them.

So just go to your doctor’s and get a prescription for something that really works, and that allows me to make self-portraits without makeup (I guess “Eryacné” is the French name, though, so just ask for erythromicin).

I don’t like the thought of taking antibiotics, especially for a long time, for something that’s not life-threatening, but at least it works. And maybe it is actually life-threatening.

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Albedo, 8 years ago:

mais si tu as encore de l'acné il y a un pbl sous-jacent non ? tu ne devrais pas considérer ton alimentation ?

stephane, 8 years ago:

olah Albedo, mais c'est pas interdit les consultations médicales à distance, sans avoir le patient sous la main? ça frise l'exercice illégale de la médecine.

Albedo, 8 years ago:

j'allais écrire qqch de salace, mais je me retiens, il faut rester digne sur les blogs hôtes :)

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