Underachievement Unlocked

8 mar. 2004

Karoshi : death from overwork.

And it’s coming to us, now. Not for me, thanks. You can keep your work culture.

Meanwhile, the webserver is saturating. According to our Webalizer stats, Gayattitude is serving an average 500MB per day. I’m no system administrator, but I keep reading about people going past their 1GB-a-month hosting limit, so I’m feeling like we’re having a lot of traffic here, particularly for the pretty low-end machine we have. I’ve been thinking of a redesign but it wouldn’t cut the number of requests so much. Basically, a web-based chat requires resources. Lots of them. We’re fucked, aren’t we?

A small site has no problems. A big site can manage to balance costs and income. An average site…

# rm -r /home/gayattitude_

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A. L., 8 years ago:

Moi je ferais rm -rf, parce que t'as pas fini de faire de "y".

garoo, 8 years ago:

Parce que tu as un OS de tapette qui est configuré pour te demander confirmation. De mon temps, quand les informaticiens étaient des vrais hommes, rm -r suffisait.

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