Underachievement Unlocked

4 mar. 2004

(Don’t hesitate to scroll down. It’s silly, but the only nice picture in this post is the last one.)

I bought a couple of (actually, I can perfectly count: three) small Lego and Megabloks boxes so I could check whether the bricks I stole from my little brother were compatible (and the answer is no). Megabloks’s human characters don’t look that good, but in the Dragons series they have some good stuff.

I don’t think Lego ever made beasts like this. Megabloks also makes very nice dragons, but they’re more expensive. As far as bricks go, I think they’re taking too much distance from the standards, and making all sorts of shapes that can only be used for one special design, which isn’t good for creativity. But they’ve got character and beast design right (only the eyes are a bit disappointing).

The skeleton comes from a little Lego box that’s cheaper but still totally ridiculous as compared to the Megabloks designs:

Look how nice the specific bricks are: I cant wait to integrate them into something. Wouldn’t that make some nice decoration in a living room?

And, finally, the Alien Agency series. Too bad its humans have a weird face and wear a tie. I went through all the available boxes: there’s absolutely no way to get a normal, plain Lego character. How’s one supposed to do in order to make a story about someone else than Harry Potter or Spider-Man?

I really like the little transparent tank that you can’t quite see in the background.

So there are ways to make some stuff. I don’t know yet whether I forget about the idea (since I haven’t got an existing stock of Lego bricks, and this shit is expensive, and I’m getting to the end of my January fortune — yes, already! it’s frightening) or I keep on with it. We’ll see. For starters, I’d need to have a story idea that would be compatible with the available elements.

Sorry for the unusual heaviness of this page. But I’ve got nothing to say, so I might as well distract you.

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Katioucha, 8 years ago:

Si il te faut des idées de scénar', n'hésite pas...

Albedo, 8 years ago:

j'aime bien l'esprit du premier :)

aqb, 8 years ago:

C'est génial! Extra le truc qui ressemble au krakken!

Marc, 7 years ago:

On a eu une réunion au boulot hier, où l'on parlait de la présence de la boîte (hors le site MB lui-même) sur ne net. On a évoqué entre autre les blogs qui parlent de la société. Ça m'a donné envie de voir par moi-même quel taux de pénétration (hmm !) on avait, et quelle surprise que de découvrir que tu en parles !

Intéressant, cette comparaison avec Lego (notre concurrent direct).

Depuis ce billet, as-tu acheté beaucoup d'autres MB ?

garoo, 7 years ago:

Mhh, non. J'achèterais bien toute la collection Dragons pour faire un webcomic / roman-photo de heroic fantasy, mais à force ça fait un peu trop d'argent et surtout ça prend de la place :)

Marc, 7 years ago:

Ok, je vois. Je peux peut-être arranger ça.

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