Underachievement Unlocked

27 feb. 2004

Oh well, I gave in, since everybody’s doing itthis week.

I know I had already tried this earlier, but couldn’t find the result back. Maybe I didn’t blog it. (Which is odd. Maybe I didn’t look for it hard enough.) Let’s see… I guess the result suits me. Besides, the results are rather moderate (except for the introvert part, but that isn’t a surprise), which is always comforting.

Though… “High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world.” That may be a little bit exaggerate. Isn’t it? I know I’m not autistic, but I wouldn’t go that far.


And while I’m there:

Came with pages and pages of text that there’s no way I’d read at this time of night. I’ll only note that my conscious and unconscious personalities are identical: that’s significant, isn’t it?

(I should at least have saved the page to read it tomorrow. Too late.)

P.S. On that test, I get INTP (53% T). Close enough, and the test feels imprecise.

P.S. By the way: NT Rationals Explained to Normal People and MBTI Personality Types: “Only [NT] Rationals uniquely understand the [NF] Idealist’s non-concrete thinking style, and this often leads to special bonds between people of these two temperaments.

And, via Embruns : INFP Profile / INTP Profile. Features, at the end of the page, a summary of what you should be in order to become the companion, pal or whatever of an INFP / INTP. Even better than astrology.

P.S. Two days later, via a comment on Embruns, another version of the test also makes me INFP (with 89, 44, 56 and 56 %). There you go.

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Alex, 8 years ago:

Ca faisait quelques temps que je me demandais où il était passé, ce test... Here I am :
ESFP - "Entertainer". Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population.

Ca me plaît pas mal. ;-)

K, 8 years ago:

Non c'est pas exagéré. Avec mon ENFP, ils m'ont traité de "journalist"

garoo, 8 years ago:

C'est pas parce que c'est juste pour toi que c'est juste pour moi :)

Je ne sais pas si j'ai une "high capacity for caring", mais j'ai une "higher capacity for not caring". Alors s'ils ont raison, ça veut dire que l'humain moyen est par opposition encore plus égocentrique que je ne pensais :)

Talae, 8 years ago:

Moi chuis INFP aussi (avec des pourcentages nettement plus élevés) et 4w5 / 6w5. Et là, j'ai comme qui dirait la confirmation que j'ai pas choisi le bon métier...

Cyril, 8 years ago:

Moi je suis rendu un artiste ...

ISFP - "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.

8% de la population, t'es une bete plus rare que moi encore.

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