Underachievement Unlocked

15 feb. 2004

Seems like my video card is overheating. Total crash with auto-reboot after a couple dozen hours; I had to turn the computer off during tonight’s Sex and the city episode so it would cool down and start up again.

I don’t know whether the fan has a problem, or my computer is too hot, or, uh, I dont’ remember what I wanted to write here. But whichever it is, it’s gonna be a pain.

I hate dealing with tech support (well, who doesn’t?), I hate turning back a product to the store, it’s all so complicated.

Fear. Depression.

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K.I.T.T., 8 years ago:

Ben ca dépend si tu as rajouté des composant sur ta carte mere depuis ke tu as acheté ton pc? Si tu nettois ton ventillo de temps en temps? Ou tu as raison et c ton ventillo ki déconne ca peut arriver

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