Underachievement Unlocked

13 feb. 2004 — version 1862.1

I wanted to do something really spectacular, but I’m not inspired at all. I briefly wanted to take advantage of my new photography stuff and put my picture on a big page header, but the photographs weren’t good and I suddenly remembered I don’t like my face.

So you get subtle changes. But it does look cleaner now. And less “I don’t know how to use Photoshop”, which is what matters. And we’re back to Georgia because, really, nothing else works on a blog.

Oh, since some of you have trouble finding it when it moves around: the link for posting comments is with the permalink, on the article’s top left corner.

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A. L., 8 years ago:

Je ne comprends rien aux sphères, commentaires ou pas, nombre, etc.

A. L., 8 years ago:

Faudrait légender.

A. L., 8 years ago:

Ah siiiii, le point central s'élargit avec le nombre de commentaires, c'est ça ?

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