Underachievement Unlocked

4 oct. 2003

Tonight is Nuit Blanche in Paris: special events throughout the night all across town. I don’t know why, but I was convinced that suburbs trains were operating all night long tonight. Don’t know what I’m confused with; it’s not like there’s a more appropriate opportunity to run trains all night.

Anyway, I didn’t want to go there at all. Yes, it’s true, the pictures they showed on the TV news looked nice. But I miss lots of nice things in my life, and I got used to that a long time ago. And particularly crowded events. I did the Fête de la Musique once, and swore to myself I would never go again; ditto for the July 14 fireworks; and even though Paris-Plage lasted a month or two, and I was often a hundred meters away, I didn’t go and see. Of course, there’s the Gay Pride, but it’s different: it’s political. Or maybe it’s because I secretly and absurdly fantasize meeting my soulmate there (did I mention that someone hit on me there, this year?). Regardless, there are reasons to go. The Nuit Blanche ? There’ll be reruns on TV.

Besides, suburbs trains won’t even be running all night.

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