Underachievement Unlocked

25 sep. 2003

A kilo of dough, a kilo of oil, and I’ve got enough food for all winter. If I don’t stuff myself to death before. It’s not outstandingly good, it’s terribly heavy, but I can hardly stop before my stomach is filled up. Next time I screw up my dough, at least I’ll put in something to give it some taste.

P.S. Was thinking of what I could have tried inserting into the donuts to give them some personality (chocolate? raisins?) and it reminded me of the web page I had read about the deep-fried Twinkies experiment. Never had the opportunity to eat a Twinkie, but now I can relate. True that there’s something magical to seeing the material enter the oil, gradually bake, and come out completely transformed. There’s no other cooking process that’s so impressive and so visual.

Good thing I don’t like spending hours in the kitchen, and having my clothes stink of frying, and more importantly eat oily food too often, or I might be spending my time filling my belly with deep-fried this and deep-fried that.

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