Underachievement Unlocked

24 sep. 2003

I can pretty well memorize that Tuesday is the day when there’s nothing on TV, but I keep forgetting that it’s also the day when you can’t log in There.

It would be nice if I could keep myself busy on that day at least, since none of my usual time-wasting activities will.

You have to know that I operate a regular rotation through my career plans. This way, each time I switch, I get a little hope back, and just wait until I lose all of it and switch to the next plan, and so on, and so forth, in a neverending cycle (so far). Off the top of my head, I’d say I have about half a dozen different plans. Or maybe more. But if I think about it too much, it’ll depress me again. Anyway, as it happens, right now we’re in the Oh right, I had planned to be a writer, too week, so this is the time for you to offer me story ideas for which you won’t be paid nor credited. And, of course, if your suggestion doesn’t match my tastes, you’ll lose points, because I’ve been writing so much about the movies and shows I like that you should begin to have some kind of vague idea of what appeals to me.

So I’m waiting for suggestions. Did I make it quite clear that it was your sole responsibility whether I went on with this failure of a life, or should I repeat it still a bit more for you to get used with the idea?

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