Underachievement Unlocked

11 sep. 2003

A personal post, a TV show post (which I didn’t translate, because it’s about the second season of Alias that’s just beginning here) and a technical post all in the same day. And it’s only midnight. Wow. Reminds me of’s better days. What could be missing, apart from the metapost I’m writing right now? Of course, all this remains a bit short, not fully developed, and I could have stretched it all much more if I had been motivated, which I am not at all these days. But still. I’m spoiling you. Aren’t you spoiled?

In the meantime, There still isn’t back up yet (which may be normal, because I’m not sure at which time they were supposed to open today) and, worse, their forums aren’t responding. I’m done with my daily web review, I have watched and commented Alias, and I absolutely need an activity before the undubbed airing of Scary Movie 2 begins, because I wouldn’t survive it. What, work? But what work? Oh, it’s a miracle! The forums are back online!

P.S. Unmiracle, the forums have crashed again. It’s not such a good omen.

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