Underachievement Unlocked

1 sep. 2003

What I hate in There # (which will stop beta testing in early October, so I’ve still got one month of free play, even though I mostly get bored in there) it what I hate in life: being poor, not being able to buy anything, and having to work or buy money in order to spend.

But… in There, I managed to earn some money. I designed a T-shirt, put it on sale, and already a half-dozen got sold without me doing anything. Which means $10,000 (Theredollars, not real, duh) in three days. How did I make it? Because I could make a design by myself and for myself, upload it, put it on sale, and never have to listen to customers’ complaints or requests. That’s how I work.

The conclusion is easily drawn. Not that I must add a T-shirt store to, first because it wouldn’t work as well, second because it’s much more complex to design and manufacture T-shirts in real life than in a video game, and finally because opening an online store involves lots of paperwork, some of which costing money that I’d have to hope recouping later. No, the conclusion is that I’m destined to be a craftsman in a countryside shack. Oh, and then become psychotic because of isolation, obviously. But at least I’ll have earned a living. And it won’t bother anyone anyway, since I’ll be isolated.

I used to believe I was made to breed goats in the mountains or become a rich and famous artist, but in fact I’ll just make statues out of recycled springs and hub caps. Joy.

Though the rich and famous artist option could have worked, too. But nobody discovered me, and I’m too much of a loser to discover myself.

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