Underachievement Unlocked

29 aug. 2003

Parismob instructions:

- At 7:16:00 and for 30 seconds, stand still like a statue, in the position in which you are.
- At 7:16:30, fall to the ground as if you fainted and don’t move for 30 seconds.
- At 7:17:00, stand up and applaud for a full minute while looking toward the main entrance on top of the pyramid. Try and clap your hands in unison as if for a show call-back.

Oh my… It’s a good thing I wasn’t too interested in the French flashmob adaptation, a good thing I didn’t subscribe to the mailing-list, a good thing I didn’t participate, because I’m quite sure I would have left as soon as the instructions paper was given out. First, because giving out paper is absurd considering flashmobs are intrinsically linked to modern communications. Second, because what I find interesting in the flashmob concept is just making a quiet, silent mob, that just comes and goes. Not a theater act set up by some frustrated director longing for extensive media coverage (because extensive media coverage they did go for). I know it’s a bit absurd, criticizing an event I didn’t attend even though everyone who participated seemed to enjoy it. But I’m not gonna let that stop me.

When I see something I consider poorly organized, it always makes me want to take the idea back and make it better myself. Luckily I’m not that passionate about the flashmob concept, so I’ll probably forget about it as soon as I have posted this.

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