Underachievement Unlocked

26 jul. 2003

I think back about the way that I, like so many others, tricked myself into thinking I was useful as I was advertising for a useful vote, a vote for Chirac, at the last presidential’s elections second turn (when he was opposing the far-right leader), and I feel ridiculous in retrospect (because bloggers were not needed to get the other guy to lose, and because what happened next—Chirac taking his 80% and running away with them as if he had earned them himself—almost justified Laguiller, who said left-wing voters should abstain). I think back about the way that I, like so many others, felt sick as I watched the twin towers on fire, the twin towers collapsing, the twin towers gone, the smoke column towering over New York for a few days, and I feel ridiculous in retrospect (because I don’t feel the same way about the deaths of millions of Africans, Asians, or just Europeans from less prestigious countries, and because what happened next almost justified… uh, no, but because what happened next just isn’t glorious). I’m searching for an insightful conclusion to this post, I try to remember what my point was when I started thinking back about all that, and then I think, well, nevermind, it’ll make good filler. I already don’t have much to write about these days, it’s not the right time to throw articles away. Did I mention how bored I am right now?

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