Underachievement Unlocked

5 jul. 2003


I don’t know what I need to find first. Man, money, career, home or gun? What am I supposed to start with? I need a miracle, or at least a shepherd’s star just for me. Just… something.

If only you could know how I envy the ability most of you have to adjust to the way this damn universe works, and cope with that thing people call life. Which, I may have remind you, is as pointless and useless as can be, and more.

Oh well, silly me. Most of my readers are bloggers, and most bloggers aren’t more apt to normal life than I am. But then, what are we waiting for? Revolution, now!

Or we could also wait until a nuclear bomb falls from the sky and solves all our problems for us. And I’ve got kind of a hunch that’s exactly what we’re gonna do. Wait a little. Shouldn’t be long. (And we’ll have to thank Bush in advance, since we won’t be able to do it anymore once we’re dead.)

Uh… I wasn’t that depressed when I started writing this article, was I? I was? Oh, ok. I just hadn’t realized. Fuck, where do you begin when you’re 27 and you’ve got to start everything from scratch? I’m right in a vicious circle and I can feel my head spinning. And I just won’t faint.

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