Underachievement Unlocked

27 jun. 2003

I too want a black baby retriever, so cute, so playful, so nice, jumping around and on me with its big dirty paws. She was so cute, and her master seemed not to care (I don’t know about you, but if I were walking my puppy I wouldn’t let it jump all over people or get eaten by another dog, but maybe that’s just me, I don’t know). I need someone to offer me a retriever. And a house to go with it, otherwise the poor thing will be so sad. I’ll call it Pinky, and I’ll teach it not to disturb daddy in the room when there are guests (yes, guests, because there’s no point of having a house if you’re not taking advantage of the space) and I’ll bring it with me when I go cruising on the river banks and we’ll go ride the bumper cars together and we’ll eat spaghetti and… uh… ok, what I want is not a retriever but a husband. But I’d still like to have the house, too, you know.

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