Underachievement Unlocked

25 jun. 2003

I had something to say. I think it had something to do with the fact that, for the first time in a while, I went for a drink in the Marais. With three straight people among the group of six, though, so that should lower my score. So I had something to say; something a little less uninteresting than this. See? You’ve missed an interesting post, because I have forgotten what it was about. Ain’t that a pity?

Instead of which I’ll give you a thought that’s been lingering in my notepad, and that’s unrelated to anything: I can hardly imagine there was a time, not so long ago (well, actually, a dozen years ago, so it’s been a while, come to think about it), when, as the class was reading Voltaire’s Candide, everybody (well, especially boys, interestingly) had exclaimed that it’s impossible to rape a man. (Because Candide is hard stuff—if I had a better memory of it, I would dare compare it to Oz.) I just can’t believe I would ever have been that innocent. Must be that I didn’t have Internet access at that time.

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