Underachievement Unlocked

6 jun. 2003

Yesterday’s factoid is that unstable brick piles are unstable. And that falling from atop an unstable brick pile unto bricks scattered by the unstable brick pile’s fall, well, that hurts. My middle finger has doubled in volume through the night, but apart from that everything’s fine, as long as I can still type. Is there something you’re supposed to do in order to get a minor wrench to stop swelling, or do you just have to wait?

Well, when I say that everything’s fine apart from that, it’s not quite right. I also completely wasted my diet in a cafeteria. I guess the mille-feuilles was the finishing touch I should definitely have avoided. On the other hand, it’s nice to see that I felt like I was gonna die of asphyxia afterwards, whereas a couple of months earlier I would have felt just fine after eating all that stuff. So I’ve trained my stomach a bit.

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