Underachievement Unlocked

31 may 2003

I’d like to launch a new service for gay personals sites (or non-gay sites as well, but they’re none of my business): odorama. No scratching cards, no high-tech essential oils diffusers, but rather something similar to the blogger code that would allow us to know which body odors we like, and which we can’t stand. Of course, it would be a bit more complicated than the blogger code: you’d have to go to some specialized institute that would analyze your sweat and identify your odor’s components, transforming them into a text code everyone could understand—with some experience. After you have slept with a couple hundred people, knowing their respective body odor codes, you’d learn to recognize the codes you hate and those you can’t resist. Don’t you think it’s high time we restore nature’s (and in particular pheromone’s) importance in human relationships? Yeah, liking each other’s bodies and faces, and listening to Britney Spears together, it’s all nice, but I’m not gonna marry a guy who stinks!

P.S. Or maybe there’s a simpler way: you’d have to establish a network of boys you have slept with and you know you like their body odors, and then you only sleep with people they can recommend. Friendster applied to sex. Bad surprises no more! But it’s an ugly concept, and I know I couldn’t do that.

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