Underachievement Unlocked

28 may 2003

The other day, Françoise Hardy (a French singer cum astrologist) explained an astrological concept I didn’t know: you can live your sign in two ways, either adpated or unadapted. Since I don’t really intend to buy her book, I won’t know whether one can consciously choose to switch from one to the other (but I figure it’s possible, otherwise there wouldn’t be any point explaining to people they’re unadapted), but the idea is that each sign’s basic characteristics can become either flaws or qualities, depending on the way you enact them. The funny part is, another guest on the TV-show was Serge Lama (another French singer), so she took aquarius for an example, and said that the adapted way to be one is to always see the good side of things, and the unadapted is… to be lost in one’s dreams.

Can you figure where I’m getting at here?

Maybe I should find someone to offer me that book, after all. Could change my life, couldn’t it? But, tough luck, it doesn’t seem to be on amazon’s catalogs. My life won’t be changed today.

P.S. Thanks to Pierre for the book’s URL (I had searched for Françoise Hardy, not F. Hardy, so I wasn’t going to find it).

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