Underachievement Unlocked

6 may 2003

Lost Souls

The movie, though not uninteresting, is far from being a must-have. But then, there’s the photography. Or cinematography. Or whatever it is actually called in English. It’s a bit too cold, too distant, which is not helping the movie, but it’s superb. It all seems shot in natural artificial light, à la X-Files, but even classier (and on the big screen—well, I suppose, unless they shot a special version for TV with Chris Carter’s video cameras). I’d like to find some technical details about this production, but since it’s far from being a cult movie, it’ll be a hard find. Anyway, it’s nice. I don’t know what I’m gonna do with my DV. And it’s a pity I’m not telling an exorcism story, because it would immediately be so much more spectacular. I feel like skipping the DV musical short movie step, then skipping the two DV movies for TV on my to-do list, and go directly to the demons movie I’ve planned. I lack patience.

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