Underachievement Unlocked

2 may 2003

Yay! I’ve got a Firewire card and I can upload videos on my PC. Yay! Click the picture above to download a moving image of my cat (and it’s not only the cat that moves, but also the camera, and the lighting and bad, so don’t come and criticize, because that’s just a technical test, thanks a lot). If it doesn’t work, you’ll need to download the latest DivX codec (and have Windows; I have no idea how it can be used on other systems).

As a bonus, I’ve got a scanner, which allowed me to digitize the card from Patterson that I regretted I couldn’t show you:

Video. Capture card. DV. All working. Yay! A great thanks to Marc who’ll be responsible for my drowning you under videos of my cats. Uh, no, for allowing me to shoot my movie. Yay!

Two little things while we’re at hardware: I met the new iPod, that I thought looked so strange on pictures, really looks like them, because buttons have been replaced with a tactile thingy that senses you through the white glassoid, and it’s amazing. Go to an Apple Store and test it right away. I also met, in real life and functioning, the little gadget that recognizes your fingerprint on your computer, which I would never have thought could be of any practical use: it seems to work fine, so I’m recommending it for families. Touch the sensor, and Windows XP identifies and logs you on automatically, taking advantage of Fast User Switching. Classy.

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