Underachievement Unlocked

1 may 2003

I wonder whether I should hire a body double to become a cult blogger. Look at what kind of blogger is paid ($300, that’s not so much, but it’s just a beginning) to publicize a crappy drink for young Americans. No, the blogger isn’t the nekkid girl, but the one on the self-portraits. Some time ago, there was a link in my minilog to (who moved since then), saying a blogger shouldn’t be allowed to look so good. Well, I had much left to discover. How can one—how can I—expect to compete with someone posting pictures like these? In France, that’s called disloyal competition, but I’m not sure this legal concept would be applicable to the United States. So, body double it is. I’ve got no choice. I can’t keep up with the arms race. The arms and chest and butt race. But where am I gonna find a double, and how much will it cost, and is it worth it, and yes it is worth it, but will my bank lend me money for that?

And that one’s straight. Well, actually, it’s more of a relief, I don’t need to be jealous or bitter or everything that I’ll just be anyway.

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