Underachievement Unlocked

30 apr. 2003

I finally found what my short movie’s message will be. What justifies its existence, what makes it worth shooting. It was easy, but I needed the Six Feet Under season 1’s finale to realize it: life is short. No, I didn’t just realize that life is too short, but that this is precisely my movie’s message. What? It’s not original? No, it’s not, so what? It’s not original, yet it makes you cry when it’s in Six Feet Under, so why wouldn’t it when I’m writing?

(I fixed it because it would have made the thing unreadable, but I made an interesting slip: I wrote what justifies my existence. A twenty-minute short, that will take years not to be made because it’ll be too complicated, that’s what will justify my existence. Ain’t life great. But short. That’s the idea I need to focus on, because I’ve got lyrics to write. Gee how hard it is. I have no idea how I’m supposed to do. But I already said that, didn’t I?)

By the way: what a season finale. Sniff. If I had known that episode 2.01 would be so depressing, I’d have stopped there, on the nice feelings and the life is short, but life goes on stuff.

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