Underachievement Unlocked

11 apr. 2003

Gee, it’s today already, which means I should somewhat, maybe, write something. Well, it would be nice if I did. I hate how short days are. Ok, it’s not that bad anyway, because I had something to tell. I realized that (well, I already knew it, and people had already commented it) this afternoon: I’m unable to write an e-mail without smileys. In the aforementioned mail (actually, aforenotmentioned, but you get the idea, or maybe you don’t, but it’s too late anyway), there wasn’t a single paragraph not ending with a smiley. And that’s the way it is every time. (Not to mention chatting, it’s horrible.) It’s a good thing I have this blog to witness my ability to write without any smiley; otherwise I’d be desperate right now, and I’d have looked for a comfort in a jar of ice cream with chocolate topping, and my trousers would explode. Fortunately I have neither ice cream nor chocolate in store.

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