Underachievement Unlocked

8 apr. 2003

Hey, I just remembered there was a time when people said I was funny. That my blog made people laugh. Must have been a while now, and I should get back to it before my stats sink forever. But that’s not something I can control, I think. Well, maybe it could be, but I’m not a professional comedian, and I’m not paid, and I don’t intend to ever be, except for the humorous yet realistic dialogue I’ll write in my movies, tv-movies, series, novels, and songs. The worst part of it is that, right now, I couldn’t really define what I’m missing, what would make me happy and gay (uh, well…). Love? Sex? Money? Fame? Do I need all of that and I’ll never be satisfied, or isn’t there really anything that can help and I’ll never be satisfied? Or maybe it’s just that summer has left again, and will only be back this summer. Yeah. Let’s say that, I like it better that way.

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