Underachievement Unlocked

21 mar. 2003

How can one start (again) a diet near Easter, when Kinder begins selling a revisited version of its small chocolate eggs? They won’t show any mercy, will they? I’ll never understand how a single maker can maintain such a stronghold over the fat, industrial chocolate market. There has to be some secret ingredient in every product Ferrero ships—an ingredient that, when consumed in large quantities, leads people to write and direct amazingly stupid commercials. This is the final evidence: the sale of Nutella should be forbidden for the sake of the future generations. And I’m not offering to dispose personally of the remaining stocks: I just said I was on a diet.

(Sorry if you’re reading this from a foreign country lucky or unlucky enough not to be exposed to any Ferrero product. You’re missing something out, but I’m sure you too have interesting junk food of your own.)

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